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Monday, November 12, 2007

Good Catch Or What?

I was reading some of my rss feed today and come upon this story. It seems that a group of Russians caught some prehistoric fish in their work site.

Prehistoric fish!! What is going wrong in this planet of ours? I somehow don't believe that it was undiscovered cause this location was inland and not in the open sea. How the fuck did this thing survive for so long? Maybe it was a colony of them. But in school we were taught that evolution would have made them evolved by now, no?

Well for anyone of you who is as curious as me, I've included some photos here also. Can any one tell me the species of this prehistoric fish? Those of you who may want to read the original story proceed to http://englishrussia.com/?p=1633

The fish seems dead initially but in the last picture you clearly see movement.

Now all I have to do is to wait for them to find T-Rex. I would love to have one as a pet(had this dream since childhood).

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