Funny Day
Then as I was surfing the web I came across this two sites that was fantastic. Man I would love to meet the authors. The first was I was so excited that I quickly MSN my buddy tOpkOp. Sherve's blog is mostly about her everyday life. There are some great pictures of her and her friends hanging out eating, parting and camping. The second blog is This blog is quite empty just some pictures but I have to say that the owner is one pretty looking lady. She has all the qualities of a model.
Later on tOpkOp introduced me to this blog called This site teaches you how to add lots of stuff and tricks that you could do with your blog. There is too many things to mention, but this started tOpkOp on his quest to mod his blog. Now if you compare it with yesterday you would see that it has changed a bit with some new items added to the sidebar (he also wrote something about me there, which I think is cool. If only he would just add some hyper links).
Recently I was invited by another friend to contribute in his blog about the tsunami. No there is no new tsunami but an old blog ( he started then was hijack (yes, talk about gangsters on the web) and he only recently just regain control of the site. Initially today it was OK but later in the night Blogger informed us that there was some technical issues and refuse to allow us to post or anything. That to me is one strange incident. Now here I am writing down all this amazingly strange yet odd but funny day. Funny because its just not everyday that you get lock out of one of your blogs.