The journey of the human race seems to revolve in circles. Look at fashion for an example, we go from tight to lose then tight fitting clothes again. Many expects of human history has always been in a loop. You can tell that after a certain period of peace there will be a period of violence. Why can't we all just progress by learning from our past and not repeating past mistakes? Is this the fallen nature of humans?

Look around you, apart from better technology, our live are only slightly better than our forefathers socially that is. True we no longer teach our children with the cane, but we still get into the same arguments with our neighbour as our fathers did then over the way some car was park or over who the apples belong to when the branches are over the other side of the fence. Same age old question about who is better, more correct, whose cause is just and whose isn't. Did we not learn anything from mistakes of the past? Or have we just forgotten all that because we now drive better cars and live in bigger houses. We now have mobile phones so we are always connected but do we know better than before?

Where is the urge to have compassion for others? To forgive our enemies because they did not know better or because they have wronged us in the past, we know very well that two wrongs don't make a right, don't we? All around us people are not letting go, they are keeping grudges, keeping scores so that when even the slightest chance to release these negative energy arises they just let it go. Look at the world today and you'll see many examples. All this and more to come, does anyone believe any good will come from all this?

We have to start forgiving and forgetting. Why because if you look at our history books you'll know that all conflicts however minor and however major never has a good outcome. Tell me one war where you can say it was just, tell me when your last disagreement with someone is justified and I'll tell you about the number of human lives lost and all the emotional suffering, that comes with it. All those feeling are never forgotten, just kept in storage waiting for time.
That is why we all have to start forgiving and forgetting also our yesterday will be our tomorrow.
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