Photographs From a Friends Collection

Above: Vodka's workspace

Above:from left Crystal and the AFOS07

Above: from left Cherry and Jaclyn

Above: from left Pauline and Vilisa

Above: from left Nailya and a Samsung pageant contestant.

Above: from left the Colosseum, St.Mark's Square and Galleria Vittorio Emanuelle

Above: from left Putrajaya and KLCC
If you are planing to pursue this hobby please do remember you have to touch up your photos before publishing. It is nearly impossible to capture a perfect photo. What you want to do is to get you photos as close to perfect as possible and then do as little touch up as possible and you will have nice photos. You can use any software to do your touch up, here's a free open source image editing software that has the same capabilities as Photoshop, called GIMP.
Yes this hobby seems fun, lots of excuses to go traveling to many exotic places in the name of photography. Do not forget that it is also a great way to pick up gals/guys. Photos are also express as an art form where exhibitions are also common and very popular. Some nice collections can be found at PicasaWeb and also Flickr.
So if I did inspire some of you on this hobby do add some comments and if you do have some photos to share do include your Picasa or Flickr links in your comments.